We do crossfit. Meaning we do exercise that uses our bodies instead of machines. We do those exercises at high intensity, as hard as possible, and it changes daily to keep your body growing.
Simple, hard, and effective are the three principles that guide the decisions made. Variety for the sake of variety is not. And the program is modified to each and every individual, individually.
We use crossfit to better the lives of the people of Elk Grove. To make better humans, better parents, and stronger community And much less worried about being good at the sport of CrossFit.
Here is what is happening this week with options for in gym workouts and at home workouts.
Deadlift (Week 5 of 20 Rep Max)
LAST WEEK! You guys should know the deal.
Work up to a heavy double or single, then try and add 5-10lbs onto whatever you did last week. Go for broke today and record your score. You're gunna want to know the numbers for next time. All though that's a long ways down the road ;)
15min. AMRAP:
7 Cal Bike
3 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
7 Ballslam 30/20lb.
3 Jerks 135/95
Your 20 rep max probably took it ALL out of you today, so I wanted some nice easy numbers you could move through.
For Time:
200m Run
Devil Press 45/30s
Goes like this...
200m Run + 10 Devil Press
200m Run + 9 Devil Press
200m Run + 8 Devil Press
... All the way to 1 :)
Devil Press:
Snatch (See Below)
Every 2min. x 10 Rounds:
10 Pull-Ups
Max Hang Power Snatch
Round 1 and 2: 50% effort (Shoot for 4-5 reps)
Round 3 and 4: 60% effort (Shoot for 3-4 reps)
Round 5 and 6: 70% effort (Shoot for 2-3 reps)
Round 7 and 8: 80% effort (Shoot for 1-2 reps)
Round 9 and 10: 90% effort (Shoot for 1-2 reps)
1.) FORM is important today. If you can't lift the heavier numbers with clean technique, then stay at 4-5 reps the whole time.
2.) Effort is how you feel TODAY, not your all time best
4 Rounds:
Min. 1) Max American KB Swings 53/35
Min. 2) Max Burpee Box Jumps 24/20"
Min. 3) Rest
This NEEDS to be an "all out" effort to really hit that stimulus. It's also going to be a lot harder than you think, so be ready for the pain-cave. Go hard on the first round and figure out what's possible for you as far as reps go. Try not to fall off too much. Stay within 3 reps on each movement for each round.
Decide ahead of time that YOU WILL FIGHT!
"Legs + Core"
10min. EMOM:
8 Alt. DB Lunges 45/30s
12 Air Squats
Rest 3min.
12min. AMRAP:
10 Double DB Swings
5 Toes-To-Bar
11 Double DB Swings
6 Toes-To-Bar
Adding 1 rep to each movement after each round.
Section 1 - You may be able to handle 10 lunges and 10 Air Squats? Mess around a little as you warm up and see what feels best for you. Looking for 30-40sec to finish.
Double DB Swing:
EMOM x 4min.
12/9 Cal Row
EMOM x 4min.
8 Deadlifts 225/155
EMOM x 4min.
12/9 Cal Row
EMOM x 4min.
8 Bench Press 135/75
Rest 4min.
EMOM x 4min.
60 Double Unders
EMOM x 4min.
5 Deadlifts 315/200
EMOM x 4min.
60 Double Unders
EMOM x 4min.
5 Bench Press 185/100
I like these numbers for most people in the gym, but keep this in mind if you scale... ALL SECTIONS should be UNBROKEN. Section 2 needs to be heavier then section 1. Percentage of effort should be like 60 on part 1 and 80 on part 2.
"Annie's Snatch" (Time)
For Time:
Alt. DB Hang Snatch 50/35lb
Double Unders
Sit-Ups (with feet anchored on DB)
Quick and Nasty One Today!
For Time: (Time CAP: 35min.)
5 Rounds:
10 Push Press 135/85
10 Toes-To-Bar
immediately into;
Run 1 Mile
5 Rounds:
10 Push Press 135/85
10 Toes-To-Bar
immediately into;
Run 1 Mile
We haven't ran long in a while, so make sure you do this one. You NEED it ;)
It's push press NOT push jerk. Remember that.
20min. Running Clock...
30sec. of Plank
immediately into;
30sec. of Max Toe Taps (To a 12" Height)
**Continue until you reach 200 Toe Taps (L+R=2 reps)
Go immediately into;
30sec. of Plank
immediately into;
30sec. of Max Squat Jacks
**Continue until you reach 100 Squat Jacks
Go immediately into;
30sec. of Plank
immediately into;
30sec. of Reverse Burpees
**Continue until you reach 50 Reverse Burpees
To be clear, the first 30 seconds of EVERY minute is a plank. The next 30 seconds is max reps working towards finishing the toe taps, squat jacks, or reverse burpees.
If you can no longer hang onto the 30sec. of regular plank, you may switch to a side plank.
Reverse Burpee:
Squat Jacks:
Back Rack Lunge
5 Reps on each leg
6 Lateral Lunges on each leg (12 total)
Rest 60-90sec. Bewteen Sets
*Start at medium weight and climb. Do as many sets as you can until a 20min. clock is up.
15min. AMRAP:
10 Cal Bike
10 Ballslam 30/20
2 Cleans at 50% of 1RM
*Every 2 Rounds add 5% to the bar.
*So it goes like this:
- Round 1 and 2 is 50%
- Round 3 and 4 is 55%
- Round 5 and 6 is 60%... and so on...
10min. EMOM: (both in the same min.)
8 DB Push Press 50/35s
8 Pull-Ups
Rest 2min.
10min. EMOM: (both in the same min.)
8 DB Front Squats 50/35s
8 Burpees
You can definitely make this harder or easier. I think a lot of people can actually do 10s on everything, but even 9 would make it quite a bit harder.
Need to make it easier? Drop to 7 or 6.
It's 2 DBs, not 1 for both sections :)