We do crossfit. Meaning we do exercise that uses our bodies instead of machines. We do those exercises at high intensity, as hard as possible, and it changes daily to keep your body growing.
Simple, hard, and effective are the three principles that guide the decisions made. Variety for the sake of variety is not. And the program is modified to each and every individual, individually.
We use crossfit to better the lives of the people of Elk Grove. To make better humans, better parents, and stronger community And much less worried about being good at the sport of CrossFit.
Here is what is happening this week with options for in gym workouts and at home workouts.
1 min oblique press
Superset with;
10-15 Barbell Roll-Outs
rest 90 sec
Go fast or die trying
Every 5min. x 4 Rounds:
15 Thrusters (95/65)
Run 400m
15 Pull-ups
*Get each round done as fast as possible. This is not just a get it done type of EMOM. You are going to have a lot of rest each time, but I need you to earn it and try to stay within 10-20sec. of each round at the highest intensity possible.
Get as far as possible in 20min...
10 Burpees
10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups
10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups
50 Bodyweight Lunges
10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups
50 Bodyweight Lunges
100 Sit-Ups
10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups
50 Bodyweight Lunges
100 Sit-Ups
150 Air Squats
NO REST between sections. If you have the time to finish it great, if not just stop at 20min. I typically try not to make stuff longer than 20 on this program.
NO weights needed today, but if you wanna spice it up, you can add some for the lunges. LIGHT though. Maybe 25 for men and 10-15s for women.
Hang Power Snatch
3 reps EMOM x 3min.
2 reps EMOM x 3min.
1 rep EMOM x 5min.
*Start with something around 50-60% effort and build whenever you feel comfortable. Ideally, you would keep the same weight for the 3s and 2s and then make bigger jumps on the singles at the end.
*Today is a great day to focus on form, especially because it's from the hang and there's multiple reps. Be sure to keep your shoulders OVER the bar as you hinge forward into your hang position. You should feel tension on the hamstrings if you do it right.
*Beginners: Just stay between 3-5 reps the entire time and work on getting that bar to brush your hips each time.
I'm all the way up (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
15min. AMRAP:
15/12 Cal Row
5 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
12 Toes-To-Bar
Round 2: 5 Hang Power Cleans 155/105
Round 3: 5 Hang Power Cleans 165/110
Round 4: 5 Hang Power Cleans 175/115
Round 5: 5 Hang Power Cleans 185/120
Round 6: 5 Hang Power Cleans 195/125
Round 7: 5 Hang Power Cleans 205/130
.... Keep adding 10/5lbs if you get to this point...
For Time:
100 Double Unders
5 Rounds:
10 Push Press 50/35s
8 Pull-Ups
100 Double Unders
5 Rounds:
10 Push Press 50/35s
8 Pull-Ups
Little interval bodybuilding piece for ya!
No rest between sections. Should be done just under 20min.
If you want to add a little more juice, throw in another 100 double unders at the end!
3 rounds
accumulate 2 min in hollow hold
200 m carry
rest 2 min
For Time:
100 Front Rack Lunges 95/65
* 8 Ballslam at the top of each minute until finished. Starting with Ballslam (25/20lb. ball)
7 Rounds:
7 pushup
7 Thrusters (45/30s)
Rest 3min.
7 Rounds:
7 Knees-to-Elbows
7 Burpee Deadlifts (45/30s)
4 Sets:
10-12 DB Incline Bench Press
Immediately into;
10-12 DB Incline Seal Rows
Rest 90sec. Between Sets
4 Rounds:
1min. of Max Pull-Ups
1min. of Max Double Unders
1min. of Max Push-Ups
1min. of Max American KB Swings 53/35
1min. REST
*I know this seems super easy, but I promise that combo is going to create a crazy muscle pump! All of the movements compliment each other very well.
In Teams of 2!
Have a friend nearby or get them on FaceTime or Zoom! This is going to be a SUPER fun day!
50 Rounds:
5 Air Squats
6 Jumping Lunges
7 Push-Ups
You must compete the entire round before your partner can go! You will both be doing 25 rounds each!
Need to scale it? Or want to do it with a friend who doesn't have much training experience? No problem! Just have them do 3/4/5 or even 2/3/4 on the reps! You keep yours as is :)
Don't have a partner? Do a 20min. AMRAP, but work 30sec. on 30sec. off the entire time.
Have fun!
3 rounds
1 min kb oblique crunch
200 m SB carry
rest 2 min
EMOM x 8min. (Both in the same minute)
8/6 Cal Row
8 Alt. DB snatches 50/35
Rest 2min.
EMOM x 8min. (Both in the same minute)
7/5 Cal Assault Bike
7 DB Power Cleans 50/35s
For Time:
Alt. DB Snatches (50/35lb.)
*50 Double Unders After Each Set
Anchor your feet under the handle of the DB to lock you down and give you a little more speed on the sit-ups.