We do crossfit. Meaning we do exercise that uses our bodies instead of machines. We do those exercises at high intensity, as hard as possible, and it changes daily to keep your body growing.
Simple, hard, and effective are the three principles that guide the decisions made. Variety for the sake of variety is not. And the program is modified to each and every individual, individually.
We use crossfit to better the lives of the people of Elk Grove. To make better humans, better parents, and stronger community And much less worried about being good at the sport of CrossFit.
Here is what is happening this week with options for in gym workouts and at home workouts.
Back Squat (Week 2 of 4)
Complete a few warm up sets, and then:
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x max reps
8-10 DB Lunges on each leg.
*Do Not alternate. Stay on 1 side for all reps and the switch.
Rest 90-120sec. Between Sets
Lateral Barbell Lunges:
Every 3min. x 6 Rounds:
18/14 Cal
15 Ballslam 25/20
Max American KB Swings 53/35lb.
*Tad bit longer cal than normal for this piece. If you can not finish that in 1 minute or less, scale it to 15/12, but you should all be fine.
*You have 2 ways to attack this:
1.) Make them little sprints and get a 20-30sec. rest at the end of each
2.) Keep 1 medium pace straight through
... Think about which one works best for YOU to get the best score possible.
10min. to get as far as possible...
DB Squat Clean thruster 35/20s
*30 Double Unders after each set
Rest 3min.
10min. to get as far as possible...
Devil Press 35/20s
*100m Run after each set
Keepin the DBs light today so you can move!
5 Rounds For Time:
6 Power Cleans 185/135
12 pull-ups
*If you are not done by 9min. you should probably stop and get ready for part 2.
For Time:
1 Mile Relay Run
*With a partner, in 200m intervals
For time:
push press 135/95
Burpees over the bar
bent over row
BE AWARE of the time caps for each section!
For Quality, but also moving quick!
DB Bent Over Row Right Arm (50/35)
DB Bench Press Right Arm
DB Bent Over Row Left Arm
DB Bench Press Left Arm
Toes to Bar
*You may use a 70/50 if you're strong at these movements and you have it available :)
This looks so fun! Pumped for you.. Literally ;)
Complete a few warm up sets, and then:
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x max reps
Complete a 1min. Weighted Plank on your hands BEFORE every set above. 3-5 Sets total. The warm-up sets are optional. With the TTB coming up later, it's going to a good ab day :)
18min AMRAP:
6 Cal bike
6 Toes-To-Bar
6 DB Front Rack Lunges 95/65lbs.
*Round 2 is 8 reps of everything
*Round 3 is 10 reps of everything
*Round 4 is 12 reps of everything
*And so on... Adding 2 reps every round.
20min. AMRAP:
2 Muscle-Ups
4 Handstand Push-Ups
8 Alt. DB Snatches 50/35lb.
This is a version of the Hero WOD called, "Nate." The true version has 8 KB Swings with a 70/53lb KB. I think 8 DB snatches from the ground is pretty equivalent. Or if you have more DBs, you could try 8 Hang DB Power Snatch with a 70/50.
*If you can NOT do muscle ups, give this version a go:
20min. AMRAP:
4 Handstand Push-Ups
6 Pull-Ups
8 Alt. DB Snatches 50/35lb.
35min. to finish...
1000m Row
100 Double Unders
1 Mile Run
1 Mile Bike
500m Row
50 Double Unders
.5 Mile Run
.5 Mile Bike
250m Row
25 Double Unders
.25 Mile Run
.2 Mile Assault Bike
Part 1) Fun Conditioning Piece:
Like yesterday, but we have a new song and format!
Song: "Flower" by Moby
Every time the song says 'bring Sally up' you stand, and every time it says 'bring Sally down' you squat and hold until it says 'bring Sally up' again and so on.
Part 2) Full Body Circuit
3min. AMRAP:
4 Up Downs w/ a double shot
8 Crossbody Toe Touches (L+R=2)
12 Lateral Lunges (L+R=2)
Rest 1min. Repeat for 5 Total Rounds. (20min. Total)
Part 3) Core Burner
Accumulate 3min. of a "Hollow Hold
*Go as long you can on the first hold. Then keep chipping away at whatever is left with as little rest breaks as possible. Make it hurt! Have your phone stopwatch nearby so you can pause when/if you fail a set.
Flower Song:
Hollow Body Hold:
CrossBody Toe Touches:
Up Down w/ Double Shot: (first video)
Workout demo:
Complete a few warm up sets, and then:
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x max reps
Ab SUPERSET with (you pick) ;
*Pick one for all sets or change it up each for each set
1.) 1min. of Max Weighted Hanging Knee Raises
2.) 1min. of Max Weighted Seated Knee Tucks
3.) 1min. of Max DB Russian Twists
15min. AMRAP:
2 Devil Press, 45/30s (Round 1)
1 Round of "Friday"
3 Devil Press, 45/30s (Round 2)
1 Round of "Friday"
4 Devil Press, 45/30s (Round 3)
1 Round of "Friday"
…continue to add 1 Devil Press after every round of "Friday"
"Friday" is 5 Pull-Ups + 10 Ballslam 30/25lb.
Choose 1 option below
Option 1: (Advanced) - Walking Lunges for 400 meters with 25/15lb DBs
immediately into;
400m with bodyweight
Option 2: (Novice) - Bodyweight Walking Lunges for 800 meters
Option 3: (Beginners) Bodyweight Walking Lunges for 400 meters
We've done this one before and you will continue to see it every now and again. Try to build on whatever you've done previously or even just a faster time. This is a great piece