june 15

Jun 14, 2020

 by Ryan Webb



Every 4min. x 5 Rounds:

200m Run

200m Row

5 Power Clean + Jerks (Climbing)

Remember that this is sets of 5, so it's not going to be super heavy. Try and work on your touch and go for as long as possible before you go to singles. Power or Squat is fine.


For Quality:


ring row




3min. AMRAP:

200m Run

20 DB Push Press 50/35lb

Max Pull-Ups in remaining time


Rest 1min. Repeat x 5 Rounds



Metcon (No Measure)


6-8 Heavy Barbell Front Squats with a 30X0 Tempo. Rest 2min. Repeat for 3 Total Sets



8-10 Incline DB Bench Press with a 30X0 Tempo. Rest 90sec. Repeat for 3 Total Sets



10-15 Towel Pull-Ups. Rest 90sec. Repeat for 4 Total Sets. *If you have to break, that's fine, just be quick and get back on it. *Can't do them at all? Do strict Chin-Ups.




12-15 DB Arnold Presses with a 30X0 Tempo. Rest 90sec. Repeat for 3 Total Sets.




3 Sets of Max Reps. Double DB overhead extensions. Rest 60sec. Between Sets.




3 Sets of "21s" with a barbell. Empty bar might be all you need, but you may add weight. Rest 90sec. Between Sets.

21's Demo with DBs: (Same style, but with a bar)




Abs: 100 Banded Ab Crunches (Keep a slower controlled motion and squeeze every rep. This may take upwards of 10min. to finish if you do it right. No rest until the 100 is done. You will break eventually, but try to get right back on it!





Deadlift (Week 2 of 4)

Every 4min. x 4 Rounds:

15/12 Cal Assault Bike + 50 Double Unders

Immediately into;



Round 1: 3 at 60% of 1RM

Round 2: 3 at 70% of 1RM

Round 3: 3 at 80% of 1RM

Round 4: Max Unbroken Reps at 90% (shooting for more than 3)


**Goal is to start your deadlifts at the 2min. mark or less. So if you can't do double unders, just do singles until 2min.


15min. to finish...

80 Plate Sit-Ups 35/25lb.

100 Alt. DB Lunges 45/35s

120 Wall Balls 20/14


*You may split up the reps however you like! Strategy is key to finishing fast, but maybe you like the pain of going straight through?




100 Double Unders

90 Air Squats

80 Sit-ups

70 Alt. Hang DB Snatches 45/30lb

60 Push-UPs

50 Reverse Sit-Ups

40 Renegade Rows (20ea arm)

30 DB Russian Twists 45/30lb. (L+R = 1rep)

20 DB Power Cleans 45/30s

10 Toes-To-Bar

Fun chipper today! Post those scores :)



Metcon (No Measure)


"Big Booty Superset"

3 sets:

7 Banded Curtsy Lunge (right leg)

7 Single Leg RDL (right leg)

7 Banded Long Split Squats (right leg)

Immediately into;

same for the left leg

Rest 90sec. After Each


Video Demo:




3 sets:

50 high banded fly's (right)

50 high banded fly's (left)

Rest 60sec. after the left side. Must finish all 50 before switching to other side.

*Tension should be hard, but doable to get all 50 on the first set. The next 2 is expected to be a little broken up.




4 Sets of Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns to failure. Rest 90sec. After each set. If you do not have this set up in the link, then use a pipe or equivalent like we have in the past. *Try Kneeling as well for a slightly different angle.




3 Sets:

15-20 DB Lateral Raises

Immediately into;

Banded Pull Aparts to failure

Rest 90sec. Between Sets




10-12 Zottman Curls

Rest 60sec. Repeat for 4 Total Sets




3 Sets of Overhead Tricep Extensions (banded with a pipe or equivalent) to failure. Rest 90sec. After Each set.




50sec. of  Seated DB Calf Raises (both at the same time)

10sec. of Rest

50sec. of Single Unders or Double Unders.

10sec. Rest

Repeat for 4 TotalIf you don't have a rope, do jumping jacks.

1min. of Rest

Repeat for 4 Total Sets





3-4 Sets in a 18min. Window:

8-10 DB Push Jerks on each arm

Immediately into;

8-10 Single Arm DB Bent Over Rows on each arm

Rest 90sec.

On the DB Push Jerk, swing the DB between your legs and clean it to your shoulder. Start with your weaker arm so that you can match the reps on the other side.


16min. EMOM:

Min. 1) Max Hang Power Cleans 95/65lbs.

Min. 2) Max Box Jumps 24/20

Min. 3) Max American KB Swings 53/35

Min. 4) Max Push-Ups





Metcon (Time)

For Time:

100 Turkish Get-Ups

 (Lighter DB today. Most can prob do 20/15lbs. A little more advanced can try 35/25lb.)

I’m making today a slower kind of day, but it’s going to be really hard. I don’t recommend skipping over today! This is a great workout if you push the weight a little. Plus it's great for long term durability in those shoulders.


Option 2)

Start on the lighter end and go up in weight every 20 reps.


*100 reps means 50 on each arm.


Movement Demo:






⁣Booty/Back/Chest Superset: ⁣

15 Barbell Hip-thrusts⁣

15 Strict Pull-ups⁣

21 DB Banded Bench Press (7 right, 7 left, 7 both)⁣

4 sets. Rest 90sec. ⁣

*Shoot for the same weight on the hip thrusts as last week. Few more reps and an extra set today.

*I used 50s on the bench, so not super heavy.

Shoulders: ⁣

15-20 Banded Single DB Press⁣

3 sets. Rest 90sec. ⁣

*I used a 50lb. here as well


Bicep/Tricep Superset:⁣

12-15 Barbell Skull Crushers⁣

12-15 Barbell Reverse Grip Curls ⁣

4 Sets. Rest 60sec. ⁣


20 Banded Toe Taps (10ea. Leg)⁣

4 Sets. Rest 60sec. ⁣

*You only need a little resistance to make this one really spicy!

Nasty SuperSet Switch up today!


This post has a demo of every movement today:





Back Squat (4 x 3)

3 at 60% of 1RM

3 at 70% of 1RM

3 at 80% of 1RM

Max Unbroken Reps at 90% of 1RM (shooting for more than 3) *No resting at the top of any reps for more than 1sec. Constant movement.


Optional Superset:

3-5 Heavy Barbell Hip Thrusts


Rest 2min. After These Sets Today. Need more rest for these high percentages.


3min. AMRAP:

300m Row

10 Barbell Bench Press 135/75

Max Toes-To-Bar

Rest 1min.


Repeat for 5 Total Rounds

RX+ can be any weight that you know you can do 10 unbroken with each set that is more than 135/75.



It's up to YOU to make this one hard today!


Every 60sec. complete 1 Round of:

4 Burpees

8 Skater Lunges  (L+R=2)

12 Russian Twists (L+R=1)


Repeat for 10min. for beginner

Repeat for 15min. for intermediate

Repeat for 20min. for advanced

Repeat for 30min. if you just like gnarly challenges

If you want to add a warm up right into this thing, all you gotta do is start a little lower at say:


3 Burpees

6 Skater Lunges

9 Russian Twists (L+R=1)


and build as you go. That might also be a good scaled option for many of you.


Consider yourself a bodyweight ninja? You can try:


5 Burpees

10 Skater Lunges

15 Russian Twists (L+R=1)


But that is gunna get ROUGH real quick!


Skater Lunges:








Lift better WARM. Sequences like this always produce great lifting numbers. This is by far the longest one we have done yet, but I am excited to see how everyone does. This is meant to be more of skill day with the 3's and 2's (lighter weights) but if you're feeling good do 2's and 1's and hit something heavy. Score is max of both lifts combined. (2's or 1's, whichever you decide)


EMOM x 4min.

12/9 Cal Row

EMOM x 4min.

3 Hang Power Snatch (climbing)

EMOM x 4min.

12/9 Cal Row

EMOM x 4min.

2 Hang Power Snatch (keep climbing)

EMOM x 4min.

12/9 Cal Row

EMOM x 4min.

3 Hang Power Clean and Jerk (climbing)

EMOM x 4min.

12/9 Cal Row

EMOM x 4min.

2 Hang Power Clean and Jerk (keep climbing)


*Just to be clear, you're on each station for 4min. straight.


*Try and go unbroken on those reps, even the hang clean and jerks. The more time you get to rest, the heavier you will feel comfortable going. Should be a little heavier than the Monday weights.




For Time:

75 Burpee Pull-Ups

*3 DB Thrusters 45/30s at the top of each minute until finished

*Start with Thrusters

This is gunna be spicy one :)

















20 Reps on each leg of Hack Squat Lunges. Rest 90sec. Repeat for 3 Total Sets. (May need 2 warm up sets here to get the feel and add a good weight)




3 sets of Incline Single DB Cleavage Cutters to Failure. Start with something you can get about 30 reps with. Rest 1min. And go up in weight on each set. I used 70/90/100lb DBs.


Same as video, but at an incline:




10 Single Arm DB Bent Over Rows on each arm. Rest 60sec. After 2nd arm. Repeat for 3 Total Sets.

*I want you to hold at the top of every rep today and SQUEEZE for 1sec.



10-12 Barbell Strict Press (standing). Rest 90sec. Repeat for 3 Total Sets. *After the last set, strip 40-50% of the weight off and do 1 more set to failure.



4 Sets of Banded Tricep Kickbacks to failure. Rest 60sec. between sets.




3 set to failure of supinated DB curls. Shoot for a weight you can get between 15-20 reps. Rest 60sec. Between Sets.




1min. of Plank

Immediately into;

1min. of Shoot Throughs

Rest 1min.

*Continue this until you get 50 shoot throughs (forward + back is 1 rep)