
May 30, 2020

 by Ryan Webb



Front Squat (5-5-3-3-1-1)

Building up to a 1RM today! Next week starts a new back squat cycle :)


EMOM x 15min.

min. 1) 15/12 Cal 

min. 2) 20 Ballslam 20/15

min. 3) Max Russian KB Swings 70/53


 Good day to try something heavier than usual, but make sure you're getting at least 15 reps a pop or it's too heavy.





Metcon (Time)

For Time:

30 Devil Presses (35/25s)

60 Dumbbell Thrusters

90 Burpees

Short, Sweet, and SPICY :)



"12 Days of Quarantine"


1 "Butt Slap" Burpee

2 V-Ups

3 Squat Jumps

4 Starfish Sit-Ups

5 Seconds of Handstand Hold

6 Jumping Lunges

7 Tricep Push-Ups

8 Mountain Climbers

9 Reverse Sit-Ups

10 Lateral Lunges

11 Hollow Rocks

12 Jumping Jacks

Complete the reps the same way you sing the 12 days of Christmas song. Start at 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, then 4-3-2-1 and so on until you complete the last round which is: 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.


Tricep Push-Ups:



Starfish Sit-Ups Demo:



Butt-slap Burpee Demo:



Hollow Rock Demo:






"Big Booty Superset"

3 sets:

7 Banded Curtsy Lunge (right leg)

7 Single Leg RDL (right leg)

7 Banded Long Split Squats (right leg)

Immediately into;

same for the left leg

Rest 90sec. After Each




2 sets:

50 high banded fly's (right)

50 high banded fly's (left)

Rest 60sec. Between sets. Must finish all 50 before switching to other side.




3 Sets of Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns to failure. Rest 90sec. After each set. If you do not have this set up in the link, then use a pipe or equivalent like we have in the past.




3 Sets:

15-20 DB Front Raises

Immediately into;

Banded Pull Aparts to failure

Rest 90sec. Between Sets



10-12 Zottman Curls

Rest 60sec. Repeat for 4 Total Sets




3 Sets of Overhead Tricep Extensions (banded with a pipe or equivalent) to failure. Rest 90sec. After Each set.




4 sets of my "28 rep" Hanging Knee Raises complex (Add a 5-10lb DB between your feet)

*Rep scheme is 7 oblique right side, 7 oblique left side, 7 regular front knee raises, then 7 more with no weight.


Here's a demo on the "28" set:


Remember that this week is a RECOVERY week! If you have been following this fo the last month, it's time to have a down week and then come back HARD next week. If you want to do some bodyweight stuff or cardio on your off days that's fine, but LEAVE the weights alone! Trust me, it's for the best and your motivation will be higher than ever next week. These down weeks are crucial for motivation, strength, and muscle growth.



EMOM x 7min. (both in the same min.)

7 Pull-Ups

3 Hang Power Snatch @50%


immediately into;


EMOM x 7min. (both in the same min.)

7 Burpees

3 Hang Power Cleans @50%


Rest 5min. (Change your weights and some others close by incase you want to jump more)


EMOM x 7min. (both in the same min.)

7 Pull-Ups

3 Hang Power Snatch @60-65%


immediately into;


EMOM x 7min. (both in the same min.)

7 Burpees

3 Hang Power Cleans @60-65%

For RX you must finish all of the reps. I want the first section to be challenging but not terribly hard. Save that for the second round of EMOMs. You may also build at any time, but you are going to have to move fast to make that happen. I recommend trying to stick to the same weights.




10 Rounds:

200m Run

7 Pull-Ups

8 DB Deadlifts 50/35s

4 HSPU's holding your DB's or 9 DB press


For Time:


- Accumulate a 10min. Plank Hold

- Advanced shoot for 15min.


Every Time You Rest, Complete;


10 Alternating Pistols

15 Push-Ups


** Before start this, complete 50 Bodyweight Russian Twists as a one time "buy in." Gotta do it to make that first plank a little harder ;)



rest day



Push Jerk/press 

3 Piece Circuit:

5 Push Jerks (Heavy as possible. From the rack.)

immediately into;

10 DB Bent Over Rows (5ea. arm)

immediately into;

75 Double Unders


Rest 2min. x 4-5 Rounds. You have a 20min. time CAP. If you have time for that 5th round, get it in!


*The 4th and 5th jerk should be very difficult.


15min. AMRAP:

60 air squats

50 push-ups

40 alt. db snatches 50/35

30 box jumps 24/20

20 handstand push-ups

10 Jerks 135/95


RX+ 185/135 on the jerks

is 2 rounds possible??




5 Rounds:

1min. of Max Double Unders

1min. Rest

1min. of Max DB Push Press 50/35s

1min. Rest

1min. of Max Toes-To-Bar

1min. Rest

This is one of those ones that look super easy on paper ;)


20min. Running Clock...


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpees

20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Chair Dips

30-27-24-21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Sit-Ups


in remaining time complete as many Figure 8 Flutter Kicks with a clap as possible.

Goes like this:

10 Burpees, 20 Chair Dips, 30 Sit-Ups



9 Burpees, 18 Chair Dips, 27 Sit-Ups


... And so on..



Back Rack Lunge 

8 Reps on each leg. Take your time and don't rush the movement.




Single Leg Deadlift 

8 Reps on each leg. Same thing.. Take your time and keep tension on the hammys and glutes. Put your leg back on a bench or a rogue brick. Make sure your knee does not come over your toe either. Your front foot should be pretty far out.


Rest 2min. and start back at the top. 20min. Window. Shoot for 4-5 Sets.


7 Rounds:

7 Cal Assault Bike

7 Toes To Bar

7 Deadlifts 225/155

*Time CAP: 12min.




Have a friend nearby or get them on FaceTime or Zoom!


50 Rounds:

5 Air Squats

6 Jumping Lunges

7 Push-Ups







Spending 8min. at each station with NO REST between stations (40min. straight through):


1.) Climb to a Heavy Power or Squat Clean

2.) Try and complete either 100 strict perfect push-ups or 100 DB Bench Press with 50s for men and 25s for women. 70/45s for Advanced peeps.

3.) Try and complete 100 Tricep Push Downs with a band and PVC

4.) Try and complete 100 DB Standing Lateral Raises. 10-15lb. Range should be plenty with good form.

5.) Try and complete 50 Plate Sit-Ups immediately into 50 Reverse Sit-Ups still holding the plate in front.


*You may complete in any order you like.

Thought this would be a nice change of a pace for today. Has a little full body aesthetics vibe with a little CrossFit tempo. The only thing we can score here is the clean and we haven't hit a heavy one in a while so just hit whatever feels good and try not to miss. Enjoy!


Sit-Up Demo:



Tricep push down:





20min. AMRAP:

8 Alt. DB Snatches 50/35lb.

10 Push-Ups

12 Air Squats


At the 10min. mark switch to DB Hang Clean and Jerks. Both DBs at the same time. Swing the DB's outside your hips with your feet shoulder width. Then bring them both to your shoulders and Jerk. Spicy little combo.



For Time:

250 Up Downs with a Double Shot


Video Demo: (1st video)



Beat your last time!!



rest week

cause crossfit is awsome, we do crossfit. Best in elk grove.