
Aug 22, 2020

 by Ryan Webb

We do crossfit. Meaning we do exercise that uses our bodies instead of machines. We do those exercises at high intensity, as hard as possible, and it changes daily to keep your body growing. 

Simple, hard, and effective are the three principles that guide the decisions made. Variety for the sake of variety is not. And the program is modified to each and every individual, individually.

We use crossfit to better the lives of the people of Elk Grove. To make better humans, better parents, and stronger community And much less worried about being good at the sport of CrossFit.


Here is what is happening this week with options for in gym workouts and at home workouts.



Deadlift (Week 4 of 20 Rep MAX )

Work up to a heavy double or single, then try and add 5-10lbs onto whatever you did last week. If you failed, try the same weight or lighter. You only get 1 shot at this. The muscle soreness should be getting better from week 1. Dig Deep!! Proud of everyones number so far!



16min. running clock...

Min. 1) 15/12 Cals of Choice

Min. 2) AMRAP "Monday"


*Monday is:

7 Pull-Ups

8 Push-Ups

9 Ballslam (25/20lb.)


*Start where you left off each time



3 Rounds:

3min. AMRAP:

3 Alt. DB Snatches each arm (50/35)

6 Push-Ups

9 Air Squats


Rest 1 minute after each round.


3 Rounds:

3min. AMRAP:

3 DB Power Cleans (50/35s)

6 Push-Ups

9 Sit-Ups (feet anchored in DBs)


Rest 1 minute after each round.


3 Rounds:

3min. AMRAP:

3 DB Thrusters (50/35s)

6 Push-Ups

9 Pull-Ups


Rest 1 minute after each round.

Start where you left off on the previous round for each AMRAP.


Stay at each station for all 3 rounds. 1min. rest after each round. Then after round 3, rest 1min. and go into the next section. 36min. Total.


If 36min. is too long today, make each round 2 rounds instead of 3!



Clean and Jerk Cardio Complex:


Every 2min. x 10 Rounds:

10/7 Calorie Assault Bike

2 Power Clean and Jerks


*Climbing in weight to the heaviest #'s you can hit.


Metcon (Time)

2 Rounds For Time:

50 Push Jerks 95/65

25 Toes-To-Bar


*EMOM complete 4 Burpees!


*Start with Burpees

*You must finish all 50 jerks before going to the TTB.

*LOCK OUT your reps and HOLD it for a split second before you bring the bar down.

* I want this to take between 10-15min. so choose the appropriate weight for yourself.



For Time:

100 DB Deadlifts 70/50lb.

*EMOM 30 Double Unders

*Start with 30 Double Unders

If you have heavier weights and you'd like to try it, then go for it. I think a lot of advnaced people can do 80-100lbs. Women may be able to hit 60-70lb DBs. Let me know!


Rest as needed before this piece...


Tabata DB Russian Twists  (35/20lb)


20sec. of work x 10sec. of rest until you hit 100 reps. Left +Right +1 rep.








4 Rounds:

3min. AMRAP:

500m Row

Max Bench Press Reps 135/75

1min. Rest


Rest 3min. (Including the 1min.) Then;


4 Rounds:

3min. AMRAP:

400m Run

Max Deadlift Reps 225/155

1min. Rest


Rest 3min. (Including the 1min.) Then;


For Time and Quality:

100 Weighted Seated Knee Tucks (10/5lb.)



Keep Solid Control on ALL reps. Don't rush the movement Please.



EMOM until you fail...

Odd Minute: 12 Burpees

Even Minute: 6 Single Arm DB Push Press or Jerk on each arm (12 total)


*Every Round you go up 1 rep on the Press or Jerks

*Weight is 50/35s

*Advanced is 70/50s but start at 5 reps

Goes like this...


Round 1:

Odd Minute: 12 Burpees

Even Minute: 7 DB Push Press or Jerk


Round 2:

Odd Minute: 12 Burpees

Even Minute: 8 DB Push Press or Jerk


Round 3:

Odd Minute: 12 Burpees

Even Minute: 9 DB Push Press or Jerk


... And So on until you can no longer finish your number. Should be able to get to 12-15 Range? Maybe more? 




150 Double Unders



Build up to a Heavy Hang Power Snatch



150 Double Unders



Build up to a Heavy Hang Power Clean



150 Double Unders



For Time:

100 Russian KB Swings 70/53lb



Every 3min. x 6 Rounds:

30 Plank Jacks

30 Wall Sit Calf Raises

30 Skaters (L+R=2)

30 Glute Bridges


Advanced: 7 Rounds

Wall Sit Calf Raises: (Add an object, cat, dog, or significant other to make this harder)



Plank Jacks:























Every 2min. x 3 Rounds:

10 Pull-Ups

3 Thrusters (climbing)

immediately into;

Every 2min. x 3 Rounds:

8  Pull-Ups

2 Thrusters (climbing)

Every 2min. x 3 Rounds:

6  pull ups

1 Thruster (climbing)



For Time:

100 Alt. DB Snatches 50/35

50 DB Power Cleans 50/35s

*EMOM 7 Ballslam 20/15


*Start with the Ballslam

*You may break up the snatches and cleans in any format you like :)

*Time CAP: 16min.