7/8 weeks wods

Jul 7, 2019

 by Ryan Webb




15 min to get as far as possible...


DB Clean thruster 35/20s

*10 cal bike/row after each set


Rest 3 min


15 min to get as far as possible...


Devil Press 35/20s

10 Ball slam 20/14lb. after each set


Rest 3 min


400m Single Arm KB Farmer Carry 53/35lb.

*don’t switch arms till you’ve done 200m


Every 4 min x 6

10 DB bench press

10 DB single arm row

10 DB lateral raises

200 m run


2 min rest then


10 min amrap

6 DB thrusters

12 DB walking lunges

12 DB box step ups






Front Squat 

Recovery Week.

After a Few Warm-Ups sets:

40% x 5

50% x 5

60% x 5

*5 second eccentric count on each rep. Have a partner count.




8 hip bridges heavy!


3 Rounds:

1min. of Max Front Rack Lunges 95/65lb

1min. Rest

1min. of Wall Balls 20/14lb.

1min. Rest

1min. of Max Cal Assault Bike

1min. Rest

Serious Leg and Booty Day today. We building cakes out here ;)





Every 5 min x 4 rounds

200m run

250m Row

20 Alt DB Snatches 50/35lb.

Max pull-ups...

*give yourself a little time to get ready for the next round! And PLEASE scale something if you aren’t getting any pull-ups.


Rest 5min.


For time... But do CONTROLLED QUALITY reps:

30 DB renegade rows (Alt every 5 reps)

30 slam balls 30/20lb.

30 reverse sit-ups

30 pushups

30 reverse sit-ups

30 Slam Balls

30 DB renegade rows (Alt every 5 reps)

*You can hold the slam ball out in front of you on the reverse sit-ups if you like to make it a little harder, but also give balance. On the renegade rows, shoot for 25/15lb. or more.



every 5 min x 5

5 squats (heavy)

5 straight leg deadlift

5 cal bike




100 cal on bike arms only


squats and deadlifts need to be heavy, as heavy as possible for 5 reps




Every 5min. x 6 rounds:

3 Power Cleans (Climbing)

3 Bench Press (Climbing)

500m Row (90%+ effort)


Score is weight of your max Power Clean and bench press combined. Try and really smash that row or it's going to feel like a really long rest break. Start at about 70% effort and build. DO NOT start super light.


For Time and Quality:


Strict Pull-Ups

Strict Press






Eight Two Much (Time)

For Time:

1,200 meter Run

63 American KB Swings (53/35lb)

36 Push Jerks 135/95

800 meters Run

42 American KB Swings (53/35lb)

24 Push Jerks 135/95

400 meters Run

21 American KB Swings (53/35lb)

12 Push Jerks 135/95


Time Cap: 35 minutes

RX+ is a 70/53lb Kettlebell





15min AMRAP:

7 Cal Assault Bike

7 DB Thrusters 35/25s

7 Burpees


Rest 3min.


15min AMRAP:

10 DB Power Cleans 45/30s

15 Box Jumps 24/20"

200m run


every 4 min x 5

3 Press

5 pull ups

100 single unders


4 min then


10 min AMRAP

200m front carry

10 front carry squats

10 ball slams



35min. Running Clock:

10 Alt. Back Rack Lunges (Heavy As Possible)

immediately into;

10 Single Leg Deadlifts (Heavy As Possible)

immediately into;

15/12 Cal Assault Bike Sprint

Rest 90sec.


*Get as many rounds as you can, but don't sacrifice form and quality on the barbell movements. 7-8 Rounds is ideal. Never do more than 10.

*5 reps on each leg for both movements. Team up and share equipment. Be sure to put your leg back on a 20" box, a rogue brick, or a bench for the single deadlifts. You may go up in weight a little at some point, but picking one solid weight would be best.




Every 5 min x 5 rounds

10 DB Deadlifts 50/35s+

10 Toes-To-Bar

500m Row

Go hard! You want at least 2 min of rest each round... you SHOULD need it. Let’s go.


Rest 5 min.


For time: (10min. Time CAP)

100 Russian Kettlebell swings (70/53lbs)

*EMOM 10 Sit-Ups

*Anchor your feet around the KB


(Please scale to 5 TTB if you start breaking.. they need to be unbroken and fast!)

Go for 70/50s on part 1 if you can!




every 5 min x 5

5 deadlifts (ascending)

20 burpees




10 12 14 16 18 20

db snatch

push up

ring row




Every 3min. x 10 rounds:

4 Hang Power Snatch (Climbing)

10 Toes-To-Bar

50 Double Unders


*4 Hang Snatch on Rounds 1 and 2

*3 Hang Snatch on Rounds 3,4, and 5

*2 Hang Snatch on Rounds 6,7, and 8

*1 Hang Snatch on Rounds 9 and 10

If you have time, complete this on your own time open gym style:


3 Sets:

1min. of lateral Db raises

Immediately into;

1min. of front Db Raises

1min. of rest

* pick a weight that you get between 12 to 15 reps with


1 Set:

50 Russian Twists with the *heaviest DB you can.

*Shoot for 50/35lb+

*Does not have to be unbroken