
Jun 7, 2020

 by Ryan Webb



EMOM x 15min.

2 Power Cleans

2 Front Squats

2 Split Jerks


*Start at a 50-60% effort (not 1RM) and slowly build. You may also stick to one heavy weight the entire time, which for most of you will probably be about 70% of your Clean and Jerk 1RM.


3min. AMRAP:

Max Calories of your choice


3min. AMRAP:

10 Push Press 95/65lb

10 Pull-Ups


3min. AMRAP:

Max Calories of your choice


3min. AMRAP:

10 Push Press 95/65lb

10 Toes-To-Bar


(2min. Rest After Each Section)

Earn that 2min. rest and WORK.


Cardio can be bike, row, Battle rope, or double unders.





"Chief" Bodyweight Edition!


3min. AMRAP:

3 Up Downs

6 Crossbody Toes Taps

9 Air Squats (every other round, do 9 Glute Bridges)


Rest 1min. x 5 Rounds (20min. Total)

Crossbody Toes Taps are L + R = 1 Rep


Up Down Demo:



Crossbody Toes Taps:



Glute Bridges:




30sec. ON

30sec. OFF

Until you finish...


100 Strict Pull-Ups

200 Push-Ups 

300 Air Squats

No weights today




Every 4min. x 4 Rounds:

25/18 Cal Assault Bike

Immediately into;



Round 1: 5 at 50% of 1RM

Round 2: 5 at 65% of 1RM

Round 3: 5 at 75% of 1RM

Round 4: Max Unbroken Reps at 85% (shooting for more than 5)


15min. AMRAP:

10 Wall Balls (20/14lb.)

15 Sit-Ups

30 Double Unders




15min. to get as far as possible:


Double Unders



Immediately into;



Alt. DB Snatches 50/35lb.




"Butts and Guts Marathon"


Min. 1) Plank

Min. 2) Max Glute Bridges

Min. 3) Max Russian Twists

Min. 4) Max Fire Hydrant (Right)

Min. 5) Max Fire Hydrant (Left)


Repeat for 4 Total Rounds. (20min.)

I would like to ask a few things of you:

1.) Do not rush the glute bridges. Bring your hips up and hold for a second before you come down (like in the video I linked)

2.) You can go faster on the fire hydrants, but still, don't go crazy fast. And I know what you're thinking... This movement looks "dumb." I thought so too, but it works the side of your glutes like nothing else if bodyweight is all you’re working with. SO GET EXCITED about some damn fire hydrants :)


Fire Hydrant Demo:



Glute Bridge Demo:





4 Sets:

8-10 Heavy Push Press

Immediately into;

10-12 Supinated Barbell Rows

Rest 90sec. After Each Set.


*Make your first round more of a warm up weight.


6 Rounds For Time:

10 Toes-To-Bar

15 Cal 

20 American KB Swings  53/35lb.




10min. Running Clock...

20 Single Arm DB Push Press (right arm)

10 Burpees

20 Single Arm DB Push Press (left arm)

10 Burpees

20 Single Arm DB Push Press (right arm)

10 Burpees

20 Single Arm DB Push Press (left arm)

10 Burpees


*Ideally you would start with a lighter sets of DBs and each set you would go higher in weight. So maybe 35/20 on the first set and then 45/30 and so on. Making it harder and heavier each time. If you don't have access to more than 1 set of DBs then just make it an AMRAP, all good.


Rest 3min.


For Time:

Complete 150 Single Arm DB Swings 50/35lb. Switch arms every 10-20 reps. Essentially a kettlebell swing, but with a DB. Try to hang on for the biggest unbroken set possible on the first shot. If you break, you owe me a 200m Run penalty.




It's up to YOU to make this one hard today!


Every 60sec. complete 1 Round of:

6 Push-Ups

6 Up-Downs

6 Bodyweight Lunges


Repeat for 10min. for beginner

Repeat for 15min. for intermediate

Repeat for 20min. for advanced

Repeat for 30min. if you just like gnarly challenges

Start with 6 reps and then ideally I would like you to figure out how hard you can go. After a few minutes, see if you can 8s... And then 10s... And once you get a number that you know is going to be perfect, just hang there and go for a time period that suits your fitness level.


My recommendation is to pick something that takes between 35-40sec a round.

Up Down Demo:





Back Squat (4 x 5)

5 at 50% of 1RM

5 at 65% of 1RM

5 at 75% of 1RM

Max Unbroken Reps at 85% of 1RM (shooting for more than 5) *No resting at the top of any reps for more than 1sec. Constant movement.


Grip and Rip (AMRAP - Rounds)

Every 3min. x 5 Rounds:

10 Hang Power Cleans 115/75

10 Pull-Ups

10 Front Squats 115/75

10 Lateral Burpees Over The Bar



20 min AMRAP

10 m bear crawl or 1 wall walk

3 Air Squats

5 Sit-Ups


Wall Walk Demo:





18min. Lifting Window with 2 options:


1.) Work up to a 3 Rep Max Snatch. (Not touch and go)


2.) Work on a max effort 3 position snatch. (1 rep from mid thigh, 1 from just below the knee, and 1 from the ground.)


Rest about 90sec. Between Sets and keep repeating sets until time is up. Start light and work up.


3min. AMRAP:

15/12 Cal Assault Bike Sprint

10 Alt. DB Snatches 70/50lb.

Max Barbell Push Jerks in remaining time




3min. AMRAP:

2 DB Devil Press 35/20s

5 Pull-Ups

20 Double Unders

1min. REST


*Repeat for 5 Rounds. Start where you left off. You should be moving fast!


"BIG Chipper Friday"


For Time:

100 Chair Step-Ups

100 Chair Dips

100 Jumping Jacks

100 Bodyweight Russian Twists (L+R = 1)

50 Chair Step-Ups

50 Chair Dips

50 Jumping Jacks

50 Bodyweight Russian Twists (L+R = 1)

25 Chair Step-Ups

25 Chair Dips

25 Jumping Jacks

25 Bodyweight Russian Twists (L+R = 1)


*Beginners: Put a 20min. Time CAP on this and start from the bottom up.

- Ideally you will use the same chair for step-ups as you used for the dips.


Chair Dips Demo:



Chair Step Up Demo:
