We do crossfit. An evolved version. A better crossfit. Meaning we do exercise that uses our bodies instead of machines. We do those exercises at high intensity, as hard as possible, and it changes daily to keep your body growing.
Simple, hard, and effective are the three principles that guide the decisions made. Variety for the sake of variety is not. And the program is modified to each and every individual, individually.
We use crossfit to better the lives of the people of Elk Grove. To make better humans, better parents, and stronger community And much less worried about being good at the sport of CrossFit.
Here is what is happening this week with options for in gym workouts and at home workouts.
every 3 min x 5
5 squats (increasing weight)
20 reverse ball toss
18min. to finish or get as far as possible...
Run 400m
10 Rounds:
5 heavy Ball over bar
3 Burpees
1 Power Clean 185/135
Run 400m
10 Rounds:
5 heavy Ball over bar
3 Burpees
1 Power Clean 185/135
Run 400m
*lift the ball over your squat bar
** building to a heavy set of 5 for squats
Every 3min. x 10 Rounds:
200m Run
12 DB Push Press 45/30s
7 Toes-To-Bar
every 3 min x 6
5 push press ( from ground)
5 burpee over bar
3min. to get as far as possible....
10 Double DB Snatches 45/30s
20 Push-Ups
30 Cal
40 Double Unders
50 Sit-Ups
60 Pull-Ups
Rest 1min.
5min. to get as far as possible....
(Same Workout)
Rest 2min.
7min. to get as far as possible....
(Same Workout)
Double DB Snatch:
Every 3 min x 5
5 deadlifts (building)
6-8 bench press
5 Rounds For Time:
5 Front Squats***
10 reverse sit up
15/12 Bike
Round 1: 95/65
Round 2: 115/75
Round 3: 135/95
Round 4: 155/105
Round 5: 185/135
3 Rounds:
250m Row/.3 mile bike
200m Run
3 Rounds:
20 Hang Power Snatches 75/55lbs.
40 Air Squats
3 Rounds:
250m Row/.3mile bike
200m Run
3 Rounds:
25 Hang Power Cleans 95/65lbs.
25 Box Jumps 24/20"
Max Russian KB Swings 70/53lbs.
Really diggin the flow on this one! The only rest you get is for finishing a section early, so make sure you're moving on each one :)
every 3 min x 6
3 press
45m single arm KB farmer carry*
15min. AMRAP:
10 Cal Bike
15 supine ring rows
20 heavy Ball over shoulder