3 wk 1

Feb 27, 2021

 by Ryan Webb

We do crossfit.  An evolved version. A better crossfit. Meaning we do exercise that uses our bodies instead of machines. We do those exercises at high intensity, as hard as possible, and it changes daily to keep your body growing. 

Simple, hard, and effective are the three principles that guide the decisions made. Variety for the sake of variety is not. And the program is modified to each and every individual, individually.

We use crossfit to better the lives of the people of Elk Grove. To make better humans, better parents, and stronger community And much less worried about being good at the sport of CrossFit.


Here is what is happening this week with options for in gym workouts and at home workouts.



Bench Press

Set 1) 3 reps @70% of 1RM

Set 2) 3 Areps @80% of 1RM

Set 3) MAX reps @90% of 1RM

*Shooting for more than 3 reps on the last set

*Warm-up sets not included

*Rest 2-3min. Between Sets



8-10 Deficit Landmine Lunge on each leg.

- Rest 90sec. After the 2nd leg.

- Repeat For 3 Total Sets.




8-10 Towel "T Bar" Rows.

Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Sets.



Shoulders/Rear Delts:

5min. of Max Banded FacePulls

*Rest as needed, but try and keep it short and get right back on it. You don't need much tension before it starts to get spicy. In the video I am using 2 bands, but 1 works fine as well.


Bicep/Tricep Superset:

8-10 Barbell Bicep Curls

Immediately into;

8-10 Regular Grip Barbell Skull Crushers (Incline)

Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Sets



Farmer Walks on your TipToes.

1.) Pick a pair of dumbbells and hold them at your sides. You may use straps so grip doesn't become a factor.

2.) Get on your tippy-toes and walk forward for as far as you can go, taking short steps. As soon as you fail, REST 2 MINUTES. Then Repeat for 3 TOTAL sets . *If you have limited space, back and forth is fine.

3.) If you did this last (you should have), then try to go a little heavier on the weight.5 Rounds:



3 Sets:

8-10 Standing Arnold Press (right arm)

8-10 Standing Arnold Press (left arm)

75 Double Unders

Rest 90sec. Between Sets

*Keep good quality reps on the presses

*Try to get the Double Unders Unbroken!


Standing Arnold Press Demo:


Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

Part 2.) How Far Can You Go!?


Every 60sec. For 2 Rounds:

4 Double DB Snatches

4 Burpees

4 Air Squats


Immediately into;


Every 60sec. For 2 Rounds:

5 Double DB Snatches

5 Burpees

5 Air Squats


Immediately into;


Every 60sec. For 2 Rounds:

6 Double DB Snatches

6 Burpees

6 Air Squats


*Keep Adding 1 Rep Every 2 Rounds Until You Eventually Fail

Double DB Snatch Demo:



*I Suggest 35lbs for men and 20lbs for ladies here so that it is light enough to get through a bunch of rounds. However, if you're strong, you can bump this up to even 50s for men and 30s for women. Just depends on your strength level. Ideally everyone will make it 10-12min.











100 Burpees

*Every minute on the minute do 15 air squats


Time Cap: 10min.




Min. 1) Max Cal 

Min. 2) Max Push Press 95/65lbs.

Min. 3) Max American KB Swings 70/53/35

Min. 4) Max Double Unders

Min. 5) Max SDHP's 95/65lbs.

Min. 6) Max Sit-Ups

Min. 7) Rest

The goal is to work for 40sec. HARD and then get ready for the next minute. Remember your numbers after round 1 and try and hold them the for the next 4 rounds!



Min. 1) 15-20 Cals

Min. 2) 10-20 reps

Min. 3) 15-25 reps

Min. 4) 60-75 reps

Min. 5) 10-15 reps

Min. 6) 20-25 reps

Min. 7) Rest



As fast as possible with quality reps:


Strict Pull-Ups






*So, you do 10 pull-ups, 20 push-ups, 30 Sit-Ups.... Then, 9 pull-ups, 18 push-ups, 27 Sit-Ups... And so on...



For Quality NOT Time:

50 Chair Step-Ups

40 Incline Push-Ups (Arms on bench or equivalent, Feet on ground)

30 Lateral Lunges

20 Decline Push-Ups (Arms down, Feet on a bench or equivalent)

10 Reverse Burpees








21min. Running Clock....

Min. 1) 15 DB Goblet Squats (50/35lbs.)

Min. 2) 50sec. Plank

Min. 3) 12-15 Toes-To-Bar


Repeat For 7 Total Rounds.



For Time:


20 Toes-To-Hands


40 Shoulder Taps

20 Toes-To-Hands


60 Sit-Ups

40 Shoulder Taps

20 Toes-To-Hands


80 Air Squats

60 Sit-Ups

40 Shoulder Taps

20 Toes-To-Hands





3 Rounds:

10/7 Cal Bike

10/7 Cal Row/run



5 Rounds:

6 Burpees

6 Air Squats

6 DB Push Press 50/35s



3 Rounds:

11/8 Cal Bike

11/8 Cal Row/run



5 Rounds:

7 Burpees

7 Air Squats

7 DB Push Press 50/35s



3 Rounds:

12/9 Cal Bike

12/9 Cal Row/run



5 Rounds:

8 Burpees

8 Air Squats

8 DB Push Press 50/35s

Notice that each 5min. section gets a little harder each time.




50 Bulgarian Split Squats with a 30X0 Tempo



30sec. of Seated Ab Circles

30sec. of Drunken Mountain Climbers

30sec. of Seated Ab Circles (other direction)


Rest 30sec.


30sec. of Star Plank (right)

30sec. of Starfish Sit-Ups

30sec. of Star Plank (left)


Rest 30sec.


30sec. of Bicycle Abs

30sec. of Heel Touches

30sec. of Russian Twists


Rest 30sec.



50 Bulgarian Split Squats with a 20X0 Tempo



*Same Ab Sequence as above



50 Bulgarian Split Squats with no tempo. Just get them done

Total, you're doing the split squats 3 times and the ab sequence 2 times. Looks more complicated than it actually is.


Here's a bunch of video demos because there are some weird names in there.


Bulgarian Split Squats:



Seated Ab Circles:



Drunken Mountain Climbers:



Starfish Sit-Ups:



Star Planks:



Heel Touches:



Bicycle Abs:






do 0-9 min of Athome 





Set 1) 3 reps @70% of 1RM

Set 2) 3 reps @80% of 1RM

Set 3) MAX reps @90% of 1RM

*Shooting for more than 3 reps on the last set

*Warm-up sets not included

*Rest 2-3min. Between Sets

Chest: (decline emphasis)

30sec. of Max Effort Feet Elevated Push-Ups

30sec. REST

Repeat For 5 Total Sets.



8-10 Landmine Rows on each arm.

*Use straps today if you can! Helps a lot with grip, so that you can really go heavy.

Rest 90sec. Repeat For 3 Total Sets.




10-12 BulletProof Shoulder Complexes.

Rest 90sec. Repeat For 3 Total Sets.




8-10 Alternating DB Curls. Rest 90sec. Repeat For 3 Total Sets.




1min. of Lee Priest Tricep Extensions

1min. Rest

Repeat For 3 Total Sets.




20sec. of Weighted Seated Knee Tucks

10sec. of REST

Repeat For 8 Total Sets (4min. total)
