Get as far as possible in 35min...
DB Floor Press 45/25s+
American KB Swings 53/35
It's not meant to be finished, don't worry ;) Just get as far as you can!
Squat 3x5
chin 3x max
AMRAP 15min:
25 Ballslam (20/14)
100 Overhead Squats 45/35lb bar
50 Box Jumps (24/20")
25 Push-Ups
Every 7min. x 5 Rounds:
500m Row
60 single Unders
30 Overhead Squats 45/35lb bar
20 ring rows
If it's a big class, just stagger by 2-3min. for the row. I want everyone to row today. No running or bike.
Press 5x3
clean 5x3
30min. EMOM:
Min. 1) 1 Round of "DT"
Min. 2) 12 Toes-To-Bar
Min. 3) Rest
DT: 12 Deadlifts + 9 Hang Power Cleans + 6 Push Jerks
RX is 135/95
5 Rounds:
10 Cal Bike
10 Alt. DB Snatches 50/35
10 Cal Row
10 DB Power Cleans 50/35s
Rest 5min.
As many rounds as possible...
10 DB Push Press 50/35s+
50 Double unders
20 Sit-Ups
Can you finish that first section!? Ladies can do 7cals!
For Time:
Ballslam (25/20)
Box Jumps (24/20")
American Kettlebell Swings (53/35lb)
*Run 400m After Each Set
This is the classic Hero WOD called, "Morrison," but with a 400m run added in.
Time CAP: 35min.
deadlift 1x5
chin 3x max
12 Rounds:
10 Ballslam (30/25lb.)
3 Devil Press (45/30s)
Time CAP: 17min.
10 Ring rows
10Ring rows
20 Barbell Thrusters 45/35
10Ring rows
20 Barbell Thrusters
30 Push-Ups
10 Ring rows
20 Barbell Thrusters
30 Push-Ups
40 DB Deadlifts 70/50s
10 Ring rows
20 Barbell Thrusters
30 Push-Ups
40 DB Deadlifts 70/50s
50 Cals of Choice
10 Ring rows
20 Barbell Thrusters
30 Push-Ups
40 DB Deadlifts 70/50s
50 Cals of Choice
60 Plate Sit-Ups 35/25
Accumulater style.
To be clear it goes like this:
Round 1) 10 Pull-Ups
Round 2) 10 Pull-Ups + 20 Barbell Thrusters
Round 3) 10 Pull-Ups + 20 Barbell Thrusters + 30 Push-Ups
... And so on... No rest between sections. Can anyone finish in 35min?
bench 5x3
Every 3min. x 10 Rounds:
10/7 Cal Assault Bike
10 Toes-To-Bar
2 Power Snatches (Climbing)
Start light and start climbing. We've done this with clean and jerk in the past and everyone loved it. Single reps or touch and go are permitted.
Partner Abs with a partner:
120 Plate Sit-Ups 35/25lb.
120 Russian Twists with 35/25lb. DB
*Break it up however you like, but only 1 person can work at a time