
Dec 11, 2021

 by Ryan Webb

We do strength and conditioning. We do crossfit.  An evolved version. A better crossfit. Meaning we do exercises that use our bodies instead of machines. We do those exercises, as hard as possible, and it changes daily to keep your body growing. To keep gaining strength and losing fat.

Simple, hard, and effective are the three principles that guide the decisions made. Variety for the sake of variety is not. And the program is modified to each and every individual, individually. We do what is most effective for fat loss and strength gain.

We use crossfit to better the lives of the people of Elk Grove. To make better humans, better parents, and stronger community And much less worried about being good at the sport of CrossFit.


Here is what is happening this week….


General Warmup

oblique opener plus OH

monster walk forward and back



The goal is to work for 40sec. HARD and then get ready for the next minute. Remember your numbers after round 1 and try and hold them the for the next 4 rounds!

Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds)

5 Rounds:

Min. 1) Max Cal Row

Min. 2) Max Push Press (75/55lb.)

Min. 3) Max American KB Swings (53/35lb.)

Min. 4) Max Double Unders

Min. 5) Max SDHP's (75/55lbs.)

Min. 6) Max Sit-Ups

Min. 7) Rest

Sumo Deadlift High Pulls:



Be sure to join the leaner program in the app

General Warmup

oblique opener plus OH

monster walk forward and back


3min. AMRAP: 

12/9 Cal Bike

12 Toes-To-Bar

Max DB Bench Press 45/30s+


Rest 1min. x 5 Rounds

Every 60sec until finished...

10 Burpees

Max sit-ups in remaining time


Continue to do the 10 burpees at the top of each minute and keep chipping away at the sit-ups, until you reach 100 sit-ups total.



Be sure to join the leaner program in the app

General Warmup

oblique opener plus OH

monster walk forward and back


Part 1.) "Butt's & Guts Aggressive Warm-Up"


3 Rounds with NO REST between: (6min. total)

30sec. Plank on you hands

30sec. of Hip Bridges

30sec. Plank on you hands

30sec. Hip Bridge Hold (staying locked out at the top)


Part 2.) "Oh, my legs..."


Every 60sec. for 12min.

6 Air Squats

6 Jump Squats

6 Lunges

6 Jumping Lunges


*If you ever can not get all the work done in 60sec. than drop it to 5s or 4s. Gets hard quick!


Part 3.) "6 minutes closer to a 6 pack"


6min. to finish...

150 Bodyweight Russian Twists

*Make sure BOTH hands hit the ground on BOTH sides every rep. Left + Right = only 1 rep!


20min. EMOM:

Min. 1) 1min. Plank

Min. 2) 15 Toes-To-Bar

Min. 3) Max Alt. DB Lunges 50/35lb.

Min. 4) Rest



Be sure to join the leaner program in the app

General Warmup

oblique opener plus OH

monster walk forward and back

7min. AMRAP:

400m Run

100 Double Unders

Max Rounds in remaining time...

21 American KB Swings 53/35lb.

12 Pull-Ups


Rest 2min. Repeat 4 Times Total (36min.)


Start where you left off on the swings and pull-ups each round. If you're really fast on the run and double unders, maybe bump up to a 70/53lb KB to slow you down a little.



Be sure to join the leaner program in the app

General Warmup

oblique opener plus OH

monster walk forward and back


10 Burpees


10 Burpees

25 Shoulder Taps (Left+Right = 2 Reps)


10 Burpees

25 Shoulder Taps

50 Lateral Lunges (Left+Right = 2 Reps)


10 Burpees

25 Shoulder Taps

50 Lateral Lunges

100 Spiderman Plank Crunches (Left+Right = 2 Reps)


10 Burpees

25 Shoulder Taps

50 Lateral Lunges

100 Spiderman Plank Crunches

150 Chair Step Ups (Left+Right = 2 Reps)


Complete each section and go straight into the next one with no rest between. Each section adds 1 new movement. Can you finish it all under 20min??



5 Rounds:

12 Double DB Snatches (45/30s)

12 Single DB Russian Twists (45/30)


*Left +Right = 1 rep on twists

Double DB Snatch:





4 Rounds:

15 DB Thrusters 45/30s

50 Double Unders