10/7 workouts

Oct 6, 2019

 by Ryan Webb



Get as far as possible in 35min...

200m run

70 Double-Unders

200m run

60 Air Squats

200m run

50 Abmat Sit-Ups

200m run

40 American KB Swings 53/35

200m run

30 KB Goblet Squats 53/35

200m run

20 Toes-To-Bar

200m run


* When you finish, go back through AGAIN with 12/9 Cals on the assault bike instead of the 200m Run.

This workout looks SO FUN! Enjoy and don't forget it's 2 ROUNDS!




every 4 min x 5

5 squat

10 step up

10 split squats


 @ 21 min

EMOM x 15min.

min. 1) 15/12 Cal Row

min. 2) 20 Ballslam 30/20

min. 3) Max Russian KB Swings 70/53



Back Squat (Week 1 of 4)

After a few warm up sets complete:


Set 1) 5 x 65%

Set 2) 5 x 75%

Set 3) Max reps at 85%

Set 4) *As soon as you hit your last rep on set 3, rack it, strip it down about 20-30% and go immediately into 1 more max effort set.


*Your 85% set should 5-7 reps and then you should get another 5-7 on the burnout set. Score is the 85% set. Burnout is for sex appeal and leg endurance.


**SUPERSET with weighted 1min. Planks. 45/25lb. or more plate on your back.


EMOM x 15min.

min. 1) 15/12 Cal Row

min. 2) 20 Wall Balls 20/14

min. 3) Max Russian KB Swings 70/53





Every 7min. x 5 Rounds:

500 Row

30 ball slam 20/15lb

20 Burpee Deadlifts 50/35s

10 Pull-Ups




Every 4 min x 5

3 Press

6 single arm DB row


6 rounds for calories

1 min bike

2 min rest

*sprint for 1 min, rest for 2, repeat



EMOM x 7min. (both in the same min.)

7 Pull-Ups

3 Hang Power Snatch @50%


immediately into;


EMOM x 7min. (both in the same min.)

7 Burpees

3 Hang Power Cleans @50%


Rest 5min. (Change your weights and keep some others close by incase you want to jump more)


EMOM x 7min. (both in the same min.)

7 Pull-Ups

3 Hang Power Snatch @60-65%


immediately into;


EMOM x 7min. (both in the same min.)

7 Burpees

3 Hang Power Cleans @60-65%





20min. to finish...

50 Push Press 75/55lb. bar

40 Box Jumps 24/20

30 Alt. DB Snatches 45/30lb.

200m Run

10 bear crawls

200m Run

30 Alt. DB Snatches 45/30lb.

40 Box Jumps 24/20

50 Push Press 75/55


Rest 5min.


2 Rounds:

1min. Plank (with weight if possible)

1min. Russian Twist (bodyweight)

1min. Plank

1min. Bicycle Abs

1min. Rest

Ideally I don't want anyone to actually finish part 1, but get really close. If you know you can finish then beef it up a little. (Heavier presses, higher box jumps, or heavier db snatch.)





Push Press (Week 1 of 4 )

After a few warm up sets complete:


Set 1) 5 x 65%

Set 2) 5 x 75%

Set 3) Max reps at 85%

Set 4) *As soon as you hit your last rep on set 3, rack it, strip it down about 20-30% and go immediately into 1 more max effort set.


**SUPERSET with;

6-8 HEAVY DB Bent Over Rows (ea. arm)

immediately into;

50 Double Unders


The Meat Man (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

10min. AMRAP:

60 air squats

50 push-ups

40 alt. db snatches 50/35

30 box jumps 24/20

20 handstand push-ups

10 Jerks 135/95

Can you get back to the air squats!?






Teams of 2. Only 1 person works at a time.


Every 7min. x 5 Rounds: (35min.)

Min. 1) 40 Cal Bike + Max Toes-To-Bar

Min. 2) 400 m run + Max Front Rack Lunges 95/65lbs

Min. 3) Max Burpees

Min. 4) 400 m Run + Toes-To-Bar

Min. 5) 40 Cal Bike + Back Squats 95/65lbs.


ONLY work until the 6min. mark! Everyone is getting a 1min. rest before starting the next round at the 7min. mark.

Ladies 30 Cals on everything.



every 5 min x 5

5 deadlifts

10 single leg DB RDL

1min max double unders*

*actually try to get as many doubles as possible






Back Rack Lunge 

8 Reps on each leg. Put your front foot on a 45lb. plate for a slight deficit.



Single Leg RDL 

8 Reps on each leg.


Rest 2min. and start back at the top. 20min. Window. Shoot for 4-5 Sets. Build in weight as much as possible with solid form on each.


14min. AMRAP:

10 Cal Assault Bike

10 Toes To Bar

8 Deadlifts


*Rounds 1-2 is 185/135

*Rounds 3-4 is 225/155

*Rounds 5-6 is 275/185

*Rounds 7-8 is 315/205

You increase weight every 2 rounds. Scaled is just lighter #s. Choose something that you do not have to break until maybe round 5.


If for any reason you finish round 8, you may stay at that weight or increase more if you can.





1000m Row



7min. AMRAP:

15 American KB Swings (53/35lb.)

12 DB Bench or Floor Press (45/25s+)

  9 SDHP's (95/65lb. bar)



1 Mile Assault Bike (.7 ladies)



7min. AMRAP:

15 American KB Swings (53/35lb.)

12 DB Bench or Floor Press (45/25s+)

  9 SDHP's (95/65lb. bar)



400m Farmer Carry with (2) 53/35lb. KBs.

You may do the 5min. cardio pieces in any order.



Every 4 min x 5

3 bench press

1 min max ring rows

1 min max lateral raises


@22 min mark

5min. AMRAP:

15 American KB Swings (53/35lb.)

12 DB Bench or Floor Press (45/25s+)

  9 SDHP's (95/65lb. bar)


400m Farmer Carry with (2) 53/35lb. KBs.






5 Rounds:

1min. of Power Cleans

1min. of Rest

1min. of Rowing for MAX Cals

1min. of Rest

1min. of Bench Press

1min. of Rest

1min. of Double Under's

1min. of Rest

Round 1 is 50%

Round 2 is 60%

Round 3 is 65%

Round 4 is 70%

Round 5 is 75%


*These are kind of a guideline of where I'd like you to be based off of your 1RM. These don't work for everyone, so just be aware that I'd like you to start light, get your reps in, and then be slowly building to less reps and get some strength in. You last set should only be like 2-3 reps of Cleans and Bench. Your first set should be like 15-20 reps.


A good double unders score is 60-75 in a minute


A good rowing score would be 20+ for men and 15+ for the ladies.