10/13 week

Oct 13, 2019

 by Ryan Webb



EMOM x 6min.

12/9 Cal Row

Rest 2min.

EMOM x 6min. (in the same min)

8 Alt. DB Snatches 45/30lb.

8 Box Jumps 24/20"

Rest 2min.

EMOM x 6min.

12/9 Cal Bike

Rest 2min.

EMOM x 6min. (in the same min)

5 DB Thruster (35/20s)

5 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20"

This is going to be a nasty one! If you need to scale anything, try and keep the work to 40sec. Anything less is most likely too easy and more than that will most likely not be repeatable.



Every 4 min x 5

5 squat

100 m run



EMOM x 10min. (in the same min)

5 DB Thruster (35/20s)

5 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20"




Back Squat (Week 2 of 4)

After a few warm up sets complete:


Set 1) 3 x 70%

Set 2) 3 x 80%

Set 3) Max reps at 90%

Set 4) *As soon as you hit your last rep on set 3, rack it, strip it down about 20-30% and go immediately into 1 more max effort set. (AKA "burnout" set)


*Your 90% set should 3+ reps and then you should get another 5-7 on the burnout set. Score is just the 90% set. Burnout is for sex appeal and leg endurance.


**SUPERSET with weighted 1min. Planks. 45/25lb. or more plate on your back.


Every 3min x 5 Rounds:

10 Hang Power Cleans 115/75

10 Toes-To-Bar

10 Front Squats 115/75

10 Burpees Over The Bar





35min. AMRAP:

14 Cal Assault Bike

14 Pull-Ups

14 American KB Swings (53/35lb.)

14 Cal Row

14 Push-Ups

14 Sit-Ups


... Then 13 of all that

... Then 12 of all that

... Then 11 of all that

... All the way to 1.



every 4 x 5

3 b3nch press

1 min pull ups


10 min. AMRAP:

10 Cal Assault Bike

10 Pull-Ups

10 American KB Swings (53/35lb.)

10 Cal Row

10 H.R. Push-Ups

10 Sit-Ups





DB Bench Press (5 x 10)


DB Bent Over Rows (5 x 10 each arm)


- Rest 2min. Between Sets

- 20min. Window.

- Shoot for 4-5 Sets.


*starting at 60% effort and climbing in weight on both movements.


15min. to get as far as possible...


American KB Swings 53/35


immediately into AMRAP:

6 Burpees

30 Double Unders





EMOM x 12min.

Odd: 15/12 Cal Row

Even: 10 Ballslam + 10 Box Jumps (20/14lb ball + 24/20" Box)

right into;


EMOM x 5min.

40sec of Plank (squeeze your butt)

20sec of Rest

---rest 1min.---


EMOM x 12min.

Odd: 15/12 Cal Bike

Even: 15 SDHP's 95/65

right into;


EMOM x 5min.

40sec of Plank (squeeze your butt)

20sec of Rest


You can have 1min. rest after the planks but not before. Soon as the minute is up from lifting, you go straight into those planks.


*This is going to be a lot harder than you think ;)



Push Press (Week 2 of 4 )

After a few warm up sets complete:


Set 1) 3 x 70%

Set 2) 3 x 80%

Set 3) Max reps at 90%

Set 4) *As soon as you hit your last rep on set 3, rack it, strip it down about 20-30% and go immediately into 1 more max effort set. (AKA "Burnout" set.


**SUPERSET with;

Lateral DB Raises to failure OR DB Shrugs to failure. (12-15 rep range for the weight.)


Rest 90sec Between Sets


Metcon (Time)

For Time:

1000m Row

15 Power Clean and Jerks 135/95

1 Mile Assault Bike

15 Power Clean and Jerks 135/95

Time CAP: 15min.


RX+ Option: 155/105


.7 Mile Assault Bike for Women





3 Rounds:

1 min. of Assault Bike

1 min. of DB Push Press 50/35s

1min. of Toes-To-Bar

1min. of Rowing

1min. of Russian KB Swings 70/53

1min. of Burpees

1min. of running

1min. of Ball Slams 30/20

1min. of Push-Ups


- 3 minute Rest -

Getting ALL the fitness in today :)



Every 5 min x 4

5 deadlift

1 min burpees


5 Rounds:

20 Cal Row

15 Ballslam (30/20lb)

10 Burpee Deadlifts 70/50s





20 min AMRAP

Front Squat 

5 reps




Single Leg Deadlift 

8 Reps on each leg.

*This is very different than what we did last week!


Video Instruction:



Rest 2min. and start back at the top. 20min. Window. Shoot for 4-5 Sets. Build in weight as much as possible with solid form on each.


5 Rounds:

20 Cal Row

15 Wall Balls (20/14lb)

10 Burpee Deadlifts 70/50s





4 Rounds:


Row 500m


Max Alt. DB Lunges 45/30s


Max Pull-Ups


Max Double Unders


Max DB Deadlifts 70/50s


Max Anchored Sit-Ups


(Rest 2min.)

Each round is 9min. Restart the clock each time. 36min. total.



Every 4 x 5

3 press

6 pendlay row

1 min biceps curls


for time:

400m run

100 Double Unders

30 Snatches 95/65lbs.

400m run

100 Double Unders

30 Snatches 135/95lbs.

400m run




For Time:

400m run

100 Double-unders

30 Snatches 75/55lbs.

400m run

100 Double Unders

30 Snatches 95/65lbs.

400m run

100 Double Unders

30 Snatches 135/95lbs.

400m run

Time Cap: 25min.


For Time and Quality:


Strict Pull-Ups

Strict HSPUs


A week worths of workouts for peopel to gain strength, gain lean muscle, lose fat, and be healthy. In Elk Grove, CA.