
Oct 10, 2020

 by Ryan Webb

We do crossfit. Meaning we do exercise that uses our bodies instead of machines. We do those exercises at high intensity, as hard as possible, and it changes daily to keep your body growing. 

Simple, hard, and effective are the three principles that guide the decisions made. Variety for the sake of variety is not. And the program is modified to each and every individual, individually.

We use crossfit to better the lives of the people of Elk Grove. To make better humans, better parents, and stronger community And much less worried about being good at the sport of CrossFit.


Here is what is happening this week with options for in gym workouts and at home workouts.



Squat 3x5

goal is to do 5 lbs more than last week for those 3 sets.

you will do 4 warm up sets working to the weight for today. those are not part of the working sets


4 Rounds:

Min. 1) Deadlifts 225/155

Min. 2) Ballslam 25/20

Min. 3) Double Unders

Min. 4) REST


at home

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

30 Devil Presses (35/25s)

60 Dumbbell Thrusters

90 Burpees

Short, Sweet, and SPICY :)




press 3x5*

goal is to do 5/2.5 lbs more than last week for those 3 sets.

you will do 4 warm up sets working to the weight for today. those are not part of the working sets

ladies can do 5x3


3min. AMRAP:

300m Row/.5m bike

Max American KB Swings in remaining time...


Rest 1min. Repeat For 4 Total Rounds.

You NEED to row hard to make this one work today! Don't go all out, but get pretty close. 85-90% effort on each row.


Here's a little extra credit if you feel like staying after for a little today..


75 Weighted Seated Knee Tucks


10 Rounds:

200m Run

7 Pull-Ups

8 DB Deadlifts 50/35s

4 HSPU's holding your DB's

Give yourself a 20min. time cap to keep it in our usual time domain or just send it if you have time and finish it :)




Tabata wednesday

8 Rounds:

20sec. of Front Squats 95/65lb.

10sec. of REST


8 Rounds:

20sec. of Toes-To-Bar

10sec. of REST


8 Rounds:

20sec. of Assault Bike for Cals

10sec. of REST


8 Rounds:

20sec. of Burpees (ADV: KB Snatches 53/35)

10sec. of REST


8 Rounds:

20sec. of DB Walking lunges.

10sec. of REST


8 Rounds:

20sec. of Reverse sit up

10sec. of REST


8 Rounds:

20sec. of row/Bike for Cals

10sec. of REST


8 Rounds:

20sec. of Devil press

10sec. of REST

NO REST BETWEEN STATIONS. Each Station takes 4min. The entire sequence is 32min. total



5 Rounds:

1min. of Max Double Unders

1min. Rest

1min. of Max DB Push Press 50/35s

1min. Rest

1min. of Max Toes-To-Bar

1min. Rest

This is one of those ones that look super easy on paper ;)




Deadlift 1x5

goal here is to add 10/5 to last week. Again take 4 sets to warm up to this


3 Rounds


1 minute of ballslam  (20/14)

1 minute of SDHP (75/55)

1 minute of Box Jumps (20")

1 minute of Push-press (75/55)

1 minute of burpees

--1 minute rest--

Alright guys/gals, I REALLY want to make today a test day that puts everyone at their absolute MAX effort. This has always been an amazing benchmark to retest every few months and I want to keep the tradition alive. GIVE IT EVERYTHING YOU HAVE TODAY.


The weights are suppose to be light, so do not change them. If for any reason it's even a little heavy for you, I want you to scale the weight to something you can move for almost the entire time.


The clock does not stop between stations. Make the most out of your favorite movements. Transfer time will be a factor today on your score.


The highest scores in the world are 500+ reps.



It's up to YOU to make this one hard today!


Every 60sec. complete 1 Round of:

4 Burpees

8 Skater Lunges  (L+R=2)

12 Russian Twists (L+R=1)


Repeat for 10min. for beginner

Repeat for 15min. for intermediate

Repeat for 20min. for advanced

Repeat for 30min. if you just like gnarly challenges

If you want to add a warm up right into this thing, all you gotta do is start a little lower at say:


3 Burpees

6 Skater Lunges

9 Russian Twists (L+R=1)


and build as you go. That might also be a good scaled option for many of you.


Consider yourself a bodyweight ninja? You can try:


5 Burpees

10 Skater Lunges

15 Russian Twists (L+R=1)


But that is gunna get ROUGH real quick!


Skater Lunges:





Bench 3x5*

add 5/2.5 to last week

*ladies can do 5x3

"Flex Friday"


5min. of Max Cals on the Assault Bike


5min. of Pull-Ups


5min. of Max DB Lateral Raises


5min. of Max Russian KB Swings 70/53




The goal is pick a weight you can do between 10-15 reps with on the first set, and then rest about 10-15sec. and keep chipping away with sets of 6-8 reps. This meant to be more of a bodybuilding/durability day. Good quality reps, a little pump, topped off with a decent amount of sweat. Days like today are crucial for long term sustainability so have fun, get those reps in, and look forward to being sore tomorrow ;)



20min. AMRAP:

8 Alt. DB Snatches 50/35lb.

10 Push-Ups

12 Air Squats


At the 10min. mark switch to DB Hang Clean and Jerks. Both DBs at the same time. Swing the DB's outside your hips with your feet shoulder width. Then bring them both to your shoulders and Jerk. Spicy little combo.