4min. of Rowing at (30sec HARD x 30sec EASY)
4min. AMRAP of this workout:
25 Push-Ups
50 TTB or Sit-Ups
Run 400m
75 Front Squats 75/55
150 Double Unders
4min. of Biking at (30sec HARD x 30sec EASY)
4min. of the AMRAP:
(Start where you left off)
4min. of Row Sprints (20sec HARD x 10sec EASY)
4min. of the AMRAP:
(Start where you left off)
4min. of Bike Sprints (20sec HARD x 10sec EASY)
1min. Rest Between Each Section
This is basically an Orange Theory style workout just FYI. Now... Imagine this every single day with different intervals on the cardio pieces. So ya, sweat is way cooler because we switch it up everyday.
Squat 3x5
DB Press 5x3 Do this one sitting on floor one arm at a time
15min. AMRAP:
10 Cal Row
10 Toes-To-Bar
2 Cleans at 50% of 1RM
*Every 2 Rounds add 5% to the bar.
*So it goes like this:
- Round 1 and 2 is 50%
- Round 3 and 4 is 55%
- Round 5 and 6 is 60%... and so on...
15min. to finish...
7 Rounds:
200m Run
10 Back Squats (off the ground) 95/65
5 Burpee to bar
Rest 4min.
15min. to get as far as possible...
10 SDHPs 95/65lb.
1 Round of "Tuesday"
9 SDHPs 95/65lb.
1 Round of "Tuesday"
8 SDHPs 95/65lb.
1 Round of "Tuesday"
... And so on... Subtracting 1 SDHP each round. Can you make it to 1?
**Tuesday is:
10 Cal Assault Bike
15 Ballslam (20/14lb.)
Deadift 1x5
Floor press 5x5
15min. to finish...
7 Rounds:
200m Run
10 Back Squats (off the ground) 95/65
5 Burpee Pull-ups
Teams of 2: (Only 1 person works at a time)
30min. AMRAP:
100 Double Unders
100 Cals of Choice
80 Alt. DB Snatches 50/35s
80 Sit-Ups
60 DB Power Cleans 50/35s
60 Push-Ups
40 DB Russian Twists with your DB
40 DB Push Press 50/35s
For the russian twist, its left + right equals 1. I know it's a little heavy today, but it's a low number to split up, so try and stick it out and don't scale it. Keep your feet off the ground and make to touch the DB on the ground on BOTH sides !
3 Rounds:
25 Cal Row
25 Cal Assault Bike
25 DB Overhead Squats 45/35lb.
200m Single Arm Farmer Carry 70/53
100 Overhead Walking Lunges 55/35lb Plate
200m Single Arm Farmer Carry 70/53
90sec. Plank
90sec. of Reverse Sit-Ups
60sec. Plank
60sec. of Reverse Sit-Ups
30sec. Plank
30sec. of Reverse Sit-Ups
Finish any piece early and you get rest! On the planks, stay on your elbows and squeeze your glutes! That will help engage your lower abs :)
On the Overhead Walking Lunges, just stay in place. Each time your knee touches the ground, it's 1 rep.
Press 5x3
front squat 5 x max (20)
15min. to try and finish...
Muscle Snatches 75/55lb.
Box Jumps (24/20")
immediately into;
Overhead Squats 95/65lb.
35min. to finish... (Solo, not team)
50 Cals of Choice
40 American KB Swings 53/35
30 Cals of Choice
20 American KB Swings 53/35
10 Cals of Choice
20 American KB Swings 53/35
30 Cals of Choice
40 American KB Swings 53/35
50 Cals of Choice
*10 Toes-To-Bar After EVERY station.
(So after you finish 50 cals, do 10 TTB, then after 40 KB Swings, do 10 more TTB, and so on...)
** 400m run = 15 cal
Bench Press 5x3
Pause Deadlifts 3x5 get as heavy as u can with a 5 second hold.
Thruster Cardio Complex:
Every 4min. x 5 Rounds:
500m Row
5 Thrusters (Climbing)
*Climbing in weight to the heaviest #'s you can hit. Start at something pretty solid though. I'd say most can start with at least 135/95. If it's too easy, this will not be hard. Try and keep your rowing at good pace 1:45-1:50 for guys. 2:00-2:10 range for the gals.