
Jan 11, 2020

 by Ryan Webb




4 Rounds:

Min. 1) 10 Burpee DB Snatch (right arm only)

Min. 2) 12 Toes-To-Bar

Min. 3) 10 Burpee DB Snatch (left arm only)

Min. 4) 15/12 Cal Assault Bike

Min. 5) Rest


Rest 3min. (Including the 1min)


4 Rounds:

Min. 1) Max Russian KB Swings 70/53

Min. 2) Max Sit-Ups (feet anchored)

Min. 3) 1min. Plank

45/30lb. for the Burpee snatch: Complete a burpee with just 1 DB, as you pop up, swing the DB into your hips and hang snatch overhead.




Squat 3x5


For Time:

100 Alt. DB Snatches 50/35lb.

100 Toes-To-Bar

*7 Ballslam at the top of every minute until finished!

** You may break up this work out  however you like.





4 Rounds:

400m Run

25 Wall Balls (20/14)



2 Rounds:

30 Single DB Front Squats (hold vertically)

60 Double Unders

30 DB Lunges (left+right= 2)

60 Double Unders




5 Barbell Sit-Ups 45/35lb

8 Barbell Reverse Sit-Ups

*45/30lb. DBs

*Only 1 for the Front Squat ands 2 for the lunges



Press 5x3



10 Cal 

5 bear crawls

1 Power Clean 185/135





12min. EMOM

Odd: 12/9 Cal Row

Even: Max DB Bench Press 50/25s+


12min. EMOM

Odd: 12/9 Cal Assault Bike

Even: 10 DB Deadlifts 70/50s


12min. EMOM

Odd: 100 m run

Even: 15 Slam Balls 30/20lb


**Every other round is 12 pull-ups on the even #s. So you’re doing 3 rounds of pull-ups on each section. NO Rest between sections today. Gunna be a long grinder. Fancy yourself advanced on the cardio? Do 15/12 cals





"Thursday Chipper"


5min. to get as far as possible...

100 Double Unders

50 Barbell Push Press 75/55lbs.

.5 Mile Assault Bike

50 Burpees

1000m Row


Rest 1min. then;

10min. to get as far as possible...


Rest 2min. then;

Finish for time!

Hit the clock and everything ends at 36min. That should put an 18min. time cap on the last section.




Deadlift 1x5

pause deadlifts at 60% 3x3


10min. to get as far as possible...


DB Deadlifts 70/50s

Box Jumps 24/20"

Wall Balls 20/14lb.




9min. EMOM:

Min. 1) 20/15 Cal Row

Min. 2) Max Toes-To-Bar

Min. 3) Rest


9min. AMRAP:

50 American KB Swings 53/35lb.

50 Ballslam 20/14lb.

50 Sit-Ups (feet anchored around WB)


9min. EMOM:

Min. 1) 20/15 Cal Row

Min. 2) Max Toes-To-Bar

Min. 3) Rest


9min. AMRAP: (Start where you left off)

50 American KB Swings 53/35lb.

50 Ballslam 20/14lb.

50 Sit-Ups (feet anchored around WB)


There is NO REST in this except for the 1min. sections in the EMOMs. I know that row is a little aggressive, but we never go that hard on the row and we have a 1min. rest right after. JUST DO IT.


Love you. K, bye...




Bench 5x3

chin ups 3 x max


EMOM x 16min.

Odd: 5 Hang Power Cleans (Climbing)

Even: 15/12 Cal Row (Every other round do 12 Toes-To-Bar)